
Scientific publications (SCI)


Sarabian, C. (AC), Wilkinson, A., Sigaud, M., Kano, F., Tobajas, J., Darmaillacq, A. S., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., Plotnik, J., MacIntosh, A (2023-in press). Disgut in animals and the application of disease avoidance to wildlife management and conservation. Journal of Animal Ecology (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Finat, R., Ferreras, P., & Margalida, A. (2023). Can vulture feeding stations have detrimental effects on Iberian Lynx conservation?. Biological Conservation, 281, 109971. (Q1).

Tobajas, J., Ramos-López, B., Piqué, J., & Sanchez-Rojas, G. (2023). Predation risk in tree squirrels: implications of the presence of free-ranging dogs. Journal of Zoology, 319, 308-318. (Q1).

Tobajas, J., Finat, R., Ferreras, P., & Margalida, A. (2023). Iberian lynxes scavenging on ungulate carcasses: An overlooked important resource and potential risk for an endangered predator. Biological Conservation, 277, 109855. (Q1)


Selonen, V., Banks, P. B., Tobajas, J., & Laaksonen, T. (2022). Protecting prey by deceiving predators: A field experiment testing chemical camouflage and conditioned food aversion. Biological Conservation, 275, 109749. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., & Díaz-Ruiz, F. (2022). Fishing behavior in the red fox: Opportunistic-caching behavior or surplus killing?. Ecology, 103(12), e3814. (Q1)

Jiménez, J., Díaz‐Ruiz, F., Monterroso, P., Tobajas, J., & Ferreras, P. (2022). Occupancy data improves parameter precision in spatial capture–recapture models. Ecology and Evolution, 12(8), e9250. (Q2)

Tobajas, J., Guil, F., & Margalida, A. (2022). Effects of free-flight activities on wildlife: A poorly understood issue in conservation. Environmental Conservation, 49(1), 8-16. (Q1) doi:10.1017/S0376892921000412

Tobajas, J., Oliva-Vidal, P., Piqué, J., Afonso-Jordana, I., García-Ferré, D., Moreno-Opo, R., Margalida, A. (2022). Scavenging patterns of generalist predators in forestry areas: potential effects of the increase of carrion availability on the threatened Pyrenean capercaillie population. Animal Conservation, 25, 259-272. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Descalzo, E., Mateo R., Ferreras, P. (2022). Using lures for improving selectivity of bait intake by red foxes. Wildlife Research. (Q2)


Snijders, L., Thierij, N. M., Appleby, R., Tobajas, J. (2021). Conditioned taste aversion as a tool in human-wildlife conflicts. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2:744704.

Tobajas, J., Descalzo, E., Ferreras, P., Mateo, R., & Margalida, A. (2021). Effects on carrion consumption in a mammalian scavenger community when dominant species are excluded. Mammalian Biology, 101: 851–859. (Q2)

Ferreras, P., Jiménez, J., Díaz-Ruiz, F., Tobajas, J., Célio Alves, P., Monterroso, P. (2021). Integrating multiple datasets into spatially-explicit capture-recapture models to estimate the abundance of a locally scarce felid. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 4317–4335. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Rouco, C., Fernández-de-Simón, J., Díaz-Ruiz, F., Castro, F., Villafuerte, R., Ferreras, P. (2021). Does prey abundance affect prey size selection by the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)?. Journal of Ornithology, 162: 699–708. (Q1)

Descalzo, E., Tobajas, J., Villafuerte, R., Mateo, R., Ferreras, P. (2021). Plasticity in daily activity patterns of rabbit to reduce predation risk. Wildlife Research, 48, 481-490. (Q2)

Tobajas, J., Descalzo, E., Jiménez, J., Villafuerte, R., Mateo R., Ferreras, P. (2021). Conditioned odor aversion as a tool for reducing post-release predation during animal translocations. Animal Conservation, 24(3): 373-385. (Q1)


Tobajas, J., Ruiz-Aguilera, M.J., López-Bao, J.V., Ferreras, P., Mateo, R. (2020). The effectiveness of conditioned aversion in wolves: Insights from an experimental test. Behavioural Processes, 181: 104259. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Jiménez, J., Sanchez-Rojas, G. (2020). Factors affecting the abundance of Peters squirrel Sciurus oculatus (Peters 1863) using camera trap in Central Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 97: e913064. (Q2)

Tobajas, J., Descalzo, E., Mateo R., Ferreras, P. (2020). Reducing nest predation of ground-nesting birds through conditioned food aversion. Biological Conservation, 242:108405. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Gómez-Ramírez, Ferreras, P., García-Fernández, A.J., Mateo. R. (2020). Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram. Pest Management Science, 76(2), 568-574. (Q1)


Tobajas, J., Gómez-Ramírez, P., María-Mojica, P., Navas, I., García-Fernández, A.J., Ferreras, P., Mateo. R. (2019). Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control. Behavioural Processes, 166:103905. (Q1)

Tobajas, J., Gómez-Ramírez, P., María-Mojica, P., Navas, I., García-Fernández, A.J., Ferreras, P., Mateo. R. (2019). Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65:32. (Q2)

Jiménez, J., Chandler, R., Tobajas, J., Descalzo, E., Mateo R., Ferreras, P. (2019). Generalized spatial mark–resight models with incomplete identification: An application to red fox density estimates. Ecology and Evolution, 9(8): 4739-4748. (Q2)


Tobajas, J., Fernández-de-Simón, J., Díaz-Ruiz, F., Villafuerte, R., Ferreras, P. (2016). Functional responses to changes in rabbit abundance: is the eagle owl a generalist or a specialist predator?. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62: 85-92. (Q2)

Scientific publications (Peer reviewed in non-SCI journals)

Tobajas, J., & Díaz-Ruiz, F. (2022). Unrevealing the Opportunistic Fishing Behavior of the Red Fox. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103(4), 1-6. Doi: 10.1002/bes2.2021

Tobajas, J., Guil, F., Moreno-Opo, R., Margalida, A. (2022). Regulation on protected areas overflight in Spain: Current outlook and next steps. PARKS – The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 28(1):31-38.

Tobajas, J. (2022). Cuidar a unos para cuidar a otros: desajustes en la conservación del conejo europeo y de sus depredadores. Therya ixmana, 1(3), 84-85.

Ramos-Lopez, B., Tobajas, J., Roca-Juncosa, J. (2020). Primera cita de Ophrys santonica J.-M. Mathé y F. Melki (Orchidaceae) en la provincia de Guadalajara. Reduca (Biología). Serie Botánica. 13 (1): 1-9. ISSN: 1989-3620.

Tobajas, J. (2016). Riesgos genéticos y sanitarios asociados al gato asilvestrado (Felis silvestris catus): El caso de los felinos salvajes de la Península Ibérica. Chronica naturae, 6: 63-82. ISSN-e 2253-6280

Publications (books and chapters)

Smith, B. P., Snijders, L., Tobajas, J., Whitehouse-Tedd, K., van Bommel, L., Appleby, R. G., Jordan, N. R., Pitcher, B., St. Clair, C. C., Greggor, A., Cilliers, D., Stannard, C., (2022). Deterring and repelling wildlife. In: Wildlife Research in Australia : Practical and Applied Methods. CSIRO Publishing, Australia. DOI: 10.1071/9781486313457. ISSBN(pdf): 978-1-4863-1345-7. ISBN(paper): 978-1-4863-1344-0

Tobajas, J. (2021). Conditioned aversion as a tool for reducing predation by wild canids. In: Etologuía y Ecología Evolutiva. ISSN: 1135-6588

Guixé, D., Sort, F., Vilaseca, M., Tobajas, J. (2014). Territori de masies patrimoni natural del sud del Solsonès. Paisatge, flora, fauna y espais d’interès. Gráfiques Oller, Manresa, España. (Book in catalan)

Articles in popular journals.

Tobajas, J., Díaz-Ruiz, F. (2022). Un zorro pescador. Quercus, 442: 48-49.

Tobajas, J. (2013). 15 years from the 1998 wildfire: the landscape is still alive. Territori de Masies, 1(1): 16-19. (in catalan)